For an inclusive world of work

Friday, May 17, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

On line

How about making the company a welcoming place where everyone can find their place?

I participate

1 hour to fight LGBT-phobia

1. Understanding the LGBTQIA+ acronym

2. Take a step back from the discrimination and violence suffered by LGBTQIA+ people.

3. Identify practices together to make the company inclusive


Inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people: breaking the taboo in the workplace?

To act, you need to understand

It starts with naming the people and situations included in the LGBTQIA+ acronym.

An expert to dissect the subject

Alyz K Dinant supports companies in their diversity and inclusion projects

Solutions for taking action

In 1 hour, we share best practices to make the professional world more inclusive


Alyz K Dinant

Diversity & inclusion consultant for companies

Iel offers several awareness-raising formats to help companies better include LGBT+ people.

Bérénice Stagnara

Bérénice Stagnara

CSR and corporate awareness expert at Vendredi

She co-constructs awareness-raising formats with Non-profits and companies to raise awareness of the major social and environmental challenges of our time!

Sign up and tell your colleagues about it

It's on May 17 from 11:30am to 12:30pm, it's free, and it's guaranteed to have an impact!

Raising awareness about LGBTphobia changes everything!

Understanding what's at stake & knowing how to behave - as a person concerned, a witness, an ally - is the best way to make progress on the subject.

Did you know?

This is the proportion of the population that is LGBTQIA+.

The proportion of LGTBQIA+ people who choose to hide it at work to preserve their career

The proportion of people who have suffered physical or sexual violence in the last 5 years because they are LGBTQIA+.

And to go further?

Suggesting action to my colleagues

Invite my colleagues to take action - I invite my colleagues to take part in the challenge! Feel free to share this page with them so they can sign up too.

Getting involved withNon-profits

I discover on Vendredi the diversity of possible actions with Non-profits partners specialized in social ties.