Unite your employees and make them actors of your CSR commitments

Your employees know and understand your major commitments

They contribute to the company's CSR policy and embody it on a daily basis

They become aware of your target topics and take the first steps towards engagement

Vendredi - The commitment platform that enables you to unite your employees around your CSR commitments

CSR must be (re)placed at the heart of organizations

Employees are not aware of their company's CSR policy

60% of employees

do not know who is in charge of CSR in their company.

(Source: Ekodev CSR Barometer, Des enjeux et des hommes-Occurrence, November 2017)

Employees are not very involved in defining CSR issues

59% of companies

believe that very few of their employees are involved in their CSR approach.

(Source: CSR Barometer 2022)

Companies are struggling to create a collective momentum around their CSR

However, 1 out of 3 French people

Volunteers on his or her own time to support projects of general interest.

(Source: IFOP 2022 survey for France Bénévolat).

With Vendredi, your CSR policy becomes participatory and embodied.

Your commitment policy is clear and shared

On the Vendredi platform, you'll find a page presenting your CSR policy to explain your commitments and encourage people to take action.

A personalized platform with your issues & commitments

A "turnkey" presentation page of your CSR policy

All your CSR actions in one place

The ability to import your engagement history into the platform

Presenting its CSR policy with Vendredi

Your employees are at the heart of your CSR strategy and get involved in your projects

The Vendredi platform enables your employees to become active players in your CSR strategy: your commitments are embodied and brought to life.

Your employees can submit projects on the platform

They can suggest Non-profits to accompany

The platform proposes various ways to act (awareness, missions..)

Each employee finds a way to get involved that they like

Involve employees in your CSR strategy with Vendredi

High points generate the first signs of commitment

CSR events allow you to raise awareness of important issues and create commitment throughout the year.

A dozen or so CSR highlights (environment, disability, etc.)

Tailored programs to generate interest throughout the year

A complete library of content to educate your employees

A variety of themes to make everyone want to take action

Organize CSR events with Vendredi
Your CSR strategy becomes everyone's business

Your CSR strategy becomes everyone's business

Your employees are aware of your major commitments and contribute to the growth of your CSR projects

Your company makes progress on all key issues

Your company is making progress on key issues

Your teams improve their understanding of major social and environmental issues

You develop a committed corporate culture

You develop a committed corporate culture

Your teams get into motion and act on all your key issues

Unite around your commitments with the CSR platform Vendredi

Do you dream of CSR incarnation?

Discover Vendredi, the platform that federates your teams around your CSR commitments.

Request a demo

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