Raising employee awareness

Raising awareness is an essential step towards mobilization!

Your employees are trained and made aware of key societal issues, and they experience their first triggers of commitment.





Gender equality


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Raising employee awareness with the RS platform Vendredi

Awareness course

The Vendredi platform offers dozens of challenges to raise awareness of all the major social and environmental issues.

Each challenge is built in the form of an awareness-raising journey, with a series of small actions to be carried out to discover the key issues of a subject and take action. Employees can carry them out on their own, at their own pace, and follow their colleagues' progress to motivate themselves.

Courses designed by pedagogical experts

A fun and gamified experience

The ability to adapt or create customized challenges

An event-based format ("challenge of the month"..).

Online Events

Because it's often easier to work together, Vendredi also offers 1-hour online events linked to the major events of the year.

These collective, interactive and inspiring events can be organized by Vendredi with partners who are experts on the subject, or by a company, with our support.

Each month, a CSR news event

Experts at every event for guaranteed impact

Turnkey communication kits

Our help to create your own events

Awareness-raising events - platform Vendredi
CSR highlights - Vendredi

CSR highlights

European Sustainable Development Week, Pink October, International Women's Rights Day...: all these CSR highlights are key moments in the year for creating collective momentum and mobilizing employees.

Our experts help companies organize these highlights by providing complete programs (selecting the best content, proposing customized activities, sending out communication kits...).

15 highlights during the year, in line with the CSR calendar

A limited duration to create collective emulation

A series of "turnkey" activities on offer

All you need to communicate internally & externally

Education and equal opportunity - VendrediEnvironment and biodiversity - VendrediGender equality - VendrediPoverty and precariousness - VendrediFight against discrimination - Vendredi
Help and integration of refugees - VendrediEducation and equal opportunity - VendrediAnimal protection - VendrediHealth - VendrediFood and consumption - Vendredi
International solidarity - VendrediEmployment and professional integration - VendrediIntergenerational social ties - VendrediEntrepreneurship - VendrediArt, culture and heritage - Vendredi
CSR highlights - Vendredi

Your employees are aware of your major CSR commitments

Your employees are taking the first steps in addressing social and environmental issues

Your teams improve their knowledge in a playful way

You meet certain legal obligations (disability, diversity, etc.)

They develop a committed corporate culture...

Kantar reports on its use of the engagement platform VendrediTestimonial from Ekimetrics on its use of the engagement platform Vendredi

Other levers to mobilize your teams

Vendredi - The benchmark CSR platform, with experts in corporate engagement

Don't leave without talking to us!

Our experts are here to help you

Advice on the content to be proposed, help with organization, customized course proposals... at every stage, take advantage of the advice of your dedicated CSR expert Vendredi !

Raising awareness for a better commitment

Companies are struggling to raise awareness among their employees...

It is time and resource consuming

There are many topics to cover, relevant content has to be sourced and selected, updated...

It requires a certain expertise

It is difficult to address all the issues, to lead the approach on a daily basis, to build a coherent CSR action plan...

It is often difficult to get your teams on board

Raising awareness requires an effort from employees and does not always interest them...

It is time and resource consuming

There is a wide range of topics to cover, relevant content has to be sourced and selected, updated ...

It requires a certain expertise

It is difficult to address all the topics of a CSR action plan and to lead the process on a daily basis.

It is often difficult to get your teams on board

Raising awareness requires an effort on the part of employees and does not always interest them.

... However, it is an essential step in their mobilisation!

Raising awareness among your employees is the first step towards resolving major social and environmental issues.
For your company, it is also a way of meeting certain legal obligations (disability, diversity, etc.).

Employees are aware of your company's key CSR issues

Vendredi - picto - smiles

Employees validate knowledge in a playful way

Vendredi - picto heart

Employees take first steps to get involved at their level

That's why Vendredi offers a dedicated awareness-raising module on its platform, with innovative, fun and participative formats to get employees massively on board!

Raising awareness for a better commitment

Raising awareness among employees is an essential step in mobilising them.

Raising awareness among your employees is the first step towards resolving major social and environmental issues.
For your company, it is also a way of meeting certain legal obligations (disability, diversity, etc.).

Employees are aware of your company's key CSR issues

Vendredi - picto - smiles

Employees validate knowledge in a playful way

Vendredi - picto heart

Employees take first steps to get involved at their level

But companies are finding it difficult to grasp the subject

It is time and resource consuming

- There are many topics to cover, relevant content must be sourced and selected...

It requires a certain expertise

- It is difficult to address all the issues and to lead the process on a daily basis.

It is often difficult to get your teams on board

- Raising awareness requires an effort on the part of employees and does not always interest them.

It is time and resource consuming

There is a wide range of topics to cover, relevant content has to be sourced and selected, updated ...

It requires a certain expertise

It is difficult to address all the topics of a CSR action plan and to lead the process on a daily basis.

It is often difficult to get your teams on board

Raising awareness requires an effort on the part of employees and does not always interest them.

That's why Vendredi offers a dedicated awareness-raising module on its platform, with innovative, fun and participative formats to get employees massively on board!

Education and equal opportunity - VendrediEnvironment and biodiversity - VendrediGender equality - VendrediPoverty and precariousness - VendrediFight against discrimination - Vendredi
Help and integration of refugees - VendrediEducation and equal opportunity - VendrediAnimal protection - VendrediHealth - VendrediFood and consumption - Vendredi
International solidarity - VendrediEmployment and professional integration - VendrediIntergenerational social ties - VendrediEntrepreneurship - VendrediArt, culture and heritage - Vendredi
Talk to a CSR expert from VendrediTalk to a CSR expert from VendrediMake an appointment with a CSR expert from Vendredi

Our CSR experts can help you

Our experts are on hand to help you create and run your own challenges or awareness-raising events. Advice on the content to propose, help with event organization... at every stage, take advantage of the advice of your dedicated Vendredi CSR expert!

Beautiful stories of commitment...

Kantar reports on its use of the engagement platform Vendredi

At Kantar, the challenges allow us to create collective moments and bring employees together. They discover the company's CSR strategy and take ownership of it.

A positive emulation was created, and the challenges even encouraged employees to get more involved!

Kantar drew on the content available on the platform but also created its own awareness-raising pathways.


employees out of the 117 registered already sensitised


challenges already completed on the platform

Testimonial from Ekimetrics on its use of the engagement platform Vendredi

At Ekimetrics, they are convinced that employees have a strong potential to make the company's CSR commitments shine.

The Vendredi awareness-raising module has enabled us to make our CSR policy tangible for our employees.

Awareness-raising creates dialogue and reinforces a healthy working environment. It is also a trigger for action!


of employees already engaged in challenges or missions, barely 2 months after the launch.

Beautiful stories of commitment...

Kantar reports on its use of the engagement platform Vendredi
Testimonial from Ekimetrics on its use of the engagement platform Vendredi

And to go further...

Raising awareness is the first step towards employee commitment and the social and environmental transition of companies.

To take the process a step further, Vendredi also offers a module for support Non-profits (to enable each and every employee to take action at his or her own level) and an internal transition (to help companies design and consolidate their internal transition).

Awareness-raising module for Vendredi
Support module for Non-profits . VendrediInternal transformation module - Vendredi
CSR experts Vendredi

Don't leave without talking to us!

Our experts are here to help you

Our team of experts will be more than happy to answer your questions, for free!