Intermission Solidaire

Make intermission and mission rhyme at Non-profit !

Support Non-profits who work for the common good

Optimize your consultants' inter-contract periods

Strengthen your employer brand and reduce staff turnover

Talk to an expert
Measuring your carbon footprint - the challenge for Vendredi

More than 2,000 consultants working with 500 customers Non-profits

Wemanity uses Vendredi for its CSR strategySopraSteria logoMC2I logoReisel logoPWC - Customer VendrediVelvet Consulting logoHN Services logoMazars logoTalan logoWebnet logo
Kodiko logoSolinum is one of the Non-profits companies offering assignments on the platform VendrediEmerga logoCoopTerre logo
Konexio is one of the Non-profits companies offering assignments on the platform. VendrediLa Chorba logoExplore Job logoWakeUpCafé logo
ActivAction is one of the Non-profits companies offering assignments on the platform. VendrediOpen arms logo

Intermission: a headache!

On average, consulting and ESN companies have between 5% and 20% of intercontracts, with 3 main consequences:

Consultant demotivation

Intermission consultants are quickly demotivated (and may even consider leaving you). And when you consider the cost of recruitment...

Losing money for managers

Each day of intermission is equivalent to a loss of between 100 and 300 euros per day. Inter-contracting can quickly become very expensive.

Undeveloped skills

A consultant who's not working means untapped skills. But your company's value lies in the talents of your teams.

Hire your consultants on an inter-contract basis

Solidarity intermission is an excellent way to respond to your employees' quest for meaning and their desire to take action, to enhance your employer brand and to retain your talents.

And by supporting Non-profits via solidarity intermission missions, you are making your contribution to solving major social and environmental challenges, and your commitment extends beyond the walls of your company.

Intermission solidaire - Offer skills sponsorship to your intercontract consultants

Our support in launching and leading the process

Help in framing the approach: objectives, roles...

Support from our experts to run the intermission program

Tailor-made selection of the best intermission assignments

A network ofNon-profits adapted to the specificities of intermission

Ongoing sourcing of assignments tailored to your needs

Automated or simplified administrative tasks

Issuing tax receipts

Automation of legal procedures

Optimize your consultants' intermission periods

In France, in addition to donating money or equipment, companies are encouraged to donate their employees' working time to Non-profits.
This scheme is called "mécénat de compétences".
It was created for service companies.

Skills sponsorship is an excellent way of responding to your employees' quest for meaning and the desire to take action, improving your employer brand and retaining your talents. And by supporting Non-profits via solidarity intermission missions, you're making your contribution to solving major social and environmental challenges!

Did you know?

Corporate sponsors can benefit from a tax reduction equal to 60% of the actual cost of the work time donated toNon-profit*.

*Up to 0.5% of sales excluding tax. It is essential to emphasize that this tax advantage alone should in no way justify the decision to become a patron.

The talents of your consultants contribute to Non-profits

Strengthen your employer brand

Redesign of theNon-profit

19 days

"A big thank you to you for your trust and your positive feedback. I was very lucky to participate in your redesign project, it was very rewarding! I can't wait to see the result online"
- Alexia


Help in creating communication tools

9 days

"Christopher was very efficient. He listened carefully toNon-profit 's needs and to what we wanted to create with our new project. Thanks to him,Non-profit now benefits from new, easy-to-use communication tools."
- Martin

Mental well-being at work

Presenting your profession to students

0.5 days

"I presented my career path and my profession to a class of around fifteen students. They were very curious and it was a pleasure to be able to share my experience with them and give them answers to their questions!"
- Juliette

Our solution for intermission solidarity

With Vendredi, you are supported every step of the way in hiring your intermission consultants.

We offer 3 main types of mission on the platform:

Coaching missions: one-off workshops lasting a few hours to help with business issues (recruitment advice, management, career transition assistance, etc.) or personal development topics (self-confidence, personal branding, CV creation, interview simulation, etc.).

Competency-based missions: support for projects lasting a few days (framing a project, carrying out a diagnosis, etc.) or longer (creating or redesigning a website, defining a communications strategy, managing social networks, creating a graphic charter, producing visuals, seeking funding, responding to calls for projects, partnership strategy, etc.).

Helping hands missions: a commitment of just a few hours, for a meal distribution, a cooking workshop, sorting a clothing collection, folding parcels... and much more!

Our support in launching and leading the process

Help in launching the approach: objectives, framework, roles, process...

Bi-monthly support for your staffing managers to maximize assignments

Around-the-clock support for your consultants

Competence assignments atNon-profits

Hundreds ofNon-profits staff across the country trained in intermission issues

+500 short- and long-term skills assignments

Hundreds of tax-free "coup de pouce" missions (coaching, job presentations, etc.)

A platform to facilitate actions and save time

Your consultants are autonomous when it comes to finding assignments

Integrated reporting to track objectives

Automated legal and tax procedures

Grow your culture of commitment

Mobilize all your employees around your major social and environmental challenges.

Share your company's CSR challenges with all your employees

Raise your teams' awareness of your priority social and environmental issues

Engage a maximum number of employees with fun, gamified formats

Meet your legal obligations (in terms of disability, diversity, etc.)

Mobilize your employees with the engagement platform Vendredi

Benefits for the planet and your business

Attract talent and build employee loyalty

3/4 of employees say that skills sponsorship has increased their attachment to their company.

Develop skills

64% of employees consider that they are acquiring new professional skills thanks to skills sponsorship.

Boost your company's social impact

Your consultants get involved in projects of general interest, helping to promote your company's CSR policy.

Save on taxes

Our customers see savings of between 80 and 150 euros per day of skills sponsorship.

Beautiful stories of commitment...

Wemanity - intermission in solidarity with Vendredi
Wemanity logo


500 employees - Consulting

600 days of intermission on average every year

30 Non-profits supported

MC2I - intermission in solidarity with Vendredi
MC2I logo


850 employees - IT services company

600 days of intermission on average every year

60 Non-profits supported

Webnet - intermission in solidarity with Vendredi
Webnet logo


200 employees - Consulting

70 days of intermission on average each year

6 Non-profits accompanied

Vendredi - The benchmark CSR platform, with experts in corporate engagement

Don't leave without talking to us!

Our experts are here to help you

Our team of experts will be more than happy to answer your questions, for free! 

Intermission solidaire: frequently asked questions

What types of missions does the platform offer?

FAQ - Vendredi

How can I be sure of the quality of the assignments offered on the platform?

FAQ - Vendredi

How much does the service cost?

FAQ - Vendredi

What happens if the consultant has to start a new customer assignment?

FAQ - Vendredi

Inter-contract durations vary widely: how do Non-profits adapt?

FAQ - Vendredi

Who insures the employee while on assignment at Non-profit ?

FAQ - Vendredi

What about tax exemption?

FAQ - Vendredi

What is the legal framework?

FAQ - Vendredi

What are the legal and tax formalities involved in skills sponsorship?

FAQ - Vendredi