Simple, useful CSR reporting

With Vendredi, you have access to comprehensive CSR reporting and can track the progress of your initiatives in just 2 clicks. No more wasting time, focus on impact!

Simple, useful reporting - Platform Vendredi
CSR reporting - the CSR dashboard for Vendredi


A summary of the commitment of your teams

At a glance, you can find the most important key figures to monitor in your administrator area. Graphs and curves allow you to follow your impact in a visual and precise way.

Key figures for your impact

An analytical view of your CSR commitments

Summary graphics


Tailor-made analyses

With Vendredi, you can create your CSR reports in 2 clicks, according to your criteria: for the whole company or by entity, on all subjects or on a specific theme (disability, environment...), over the period of your choice...

Keeping track of your progress

Your progress on key objectives

Details by theme, for each entity...

CSR performance analysis - Platform Vendredi
CSR Reporting - Export your results


1-click exports

Would you like to share your results, create your own CSR studies or rework your data in an Excel file?
In just 1 click, you can export the data you need!

Customisable export filters

Excel or CSV format

Other features of Vendredi

Vendredi - The benchmark CSR platform, with experts in corporate engagement

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