Place employee engagement at the heart of your corporate culture

With a platform that helps you mobilize your employees, lead the process, and enhance the impact generated.

Vendredi - Place employee engagement at the heart of your corporate culture

We work with over 350 companies and over 3,500 Non-profits and CSR partners.

Make your transition a success

Unleash your employees' engagement

Anchor your corporate culture

Employee engagement is the key to your social and environmental transition*.

*This is the result of numerous studies, such as ADEME's ECOTAF report (December 2023).

Vendredi, what is it?

The employee engagement platform

With Vendredi, your employees can learn more, raise awareness, take action atNon-profits and play their part in your CSR strategy.

Vendredi - the CSR platform to put employee engagement at the heart of corporate culture

A complete methodology and support

Vendredi facilitates the day-to-day management of your CSR approach and enables you to continuously measure your social and environmental impact.


500 000

3 500


of all sizes and in all sectors

hours of impact

generated by thousands of employees


have joined our network Vendredi

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Employee engagement :

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Workplace engagement means that employees adopt or implement practices that contribute, directly or indirectly, to solving social and environmental challenges as defined by the UN (17 SDGs).

Raising awareness

Mobilizing your company for a cause

Organizing a high-impact event

Support a Non-profit

Participate in your company's CSR strategy

Sponsoring skills

Getting involved in the field

Find out what engagement looks like in the workplace:

Climate Fresk

Internal activity

I involve myself in a CSR project at my company

2 hours per month

Save time and increase your impact with Vendredi
Logo 1 letter 1 smile

Mission in Non-profit

I write a letter to an isolated elderly person

30 minutes online

Mission La Sauge

Teambuilding Solidaire

I organize a team-building event for my team

1/2 day

Logo La Fresque du climat


I take part in a climate fresk workshop

Team workshop - June 3 at 2pm

Caroline and Raphaëlle organize a collection of feminine hygiene products

Gender equality

I organize a collection of feminine hygiene products

February 6 to 12 at the office

Restos de coeur collection
Les restos du coeur is one of the Non-profits organizations offering missions on the platform. Vendredi

National Collection

I take part in the Restos du Coeur National Collection

March 1, 2, 3 all over France

Gender inequality

Internal activity

I support diversity in my company

Internal CSR project

I'm aware of disability


A webinar to raise awareness of disability issues

Webinar - October 28

Justine and Malcolm calculate their carbon footprint
2tonnes - CSR barometer


I calculate my carbon footprint

November 4 from 4 to 6 p.m.

Participate in a food distribution
Salvation Army logo

Mission in Non-profit

I take part in a food distribution

April 12 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Paris

Waste collection

Environment and biodiversity

I take part in a waste collection

May 2 in Lille, Lyon & Metz

Create communication visuals for a Non-profit
Unicef logo

Skill Sponsorship

I create visuals for a Non-profit

2h online

Kabubu Mission

Supporting nonprofits

I make a donation to the Non-profit of my choice


CSR Ambassadors

Internal activity

I become an ambassador for the local CSR approach

Corporate CSR project

Rachël mentors
A1 is part of Non-profits , which offers missions on the platform Vendredi

Mission in Non-profit

I mentor a young person in difficulty

1 hour per week

Benefits for your company

Your company becomes committed and engaging

Attracting and retaining talent

Well-being and quality of life at work

Pride of belonging

Team building

Your CSR becomes a performance lever

CSR labels & certifications

Sustainability report

Enhanced brand image

Social and tax benefits

You're contributing to a better world

Direct and indirect support for the non-profits ecosystem

Contribution to the 17 SDGs

Territorial anchorage

Adoption of new internal practices

Our recipe for getting all your employees on board

They are committed to Non-profit

Mentoring, skills sponsorship, missions in the field, fund-raising: all the ways you can help...

They raise awareness

Your employees become aware of the key issues.
They embody your transition on a daily basis.

They are part of your strategy

Your employees understand your commitments, and share their opinions and ideas with you.

CSR Platform Vendredi - Mobilize your teams

Relay ambassadors

A complete system to identify, equip and help your ambassadors to lead your approach.

A logic of highlights

A set of contents, a communication kit, at the heart of your animation strategy.

Gamification of the platform

A specialized platform to promote employee engagement.

CSR Platform Vendredi - Optimize your CSR strategy

Social and environmental impact

Full reporting on the impact of your actions, both internally and externally.

Impact RH

Measuring the impact of engagement on your employees' well-being and their quest for meaning is an integral part of the process.


It's easy to add value to your actions in calls for tender and certifications, and contributes to your competitiveness.

Commitment platform Vendredi - Increase your social and environmental impact

These companies are transforming with Vendredi

Of all sizes and in all sectors, with their own specific characteristics, these companies work with us to place employee engagement at the heart of their corporate culture.

1,000 employees

"By implementing Vendredi at the very beginning of our CSR strategy, we have created a culture where every employee in our 23 countries is aware of ESG issues and empowered to make impactful decisions locally."

Already +40 Non-profits supported worldwide

Accord Invest - Alicia

Alicia, CSR Manager

270,000 employees

"With Vendredi, Fondation SNCF contributes more than ever to the SNCF Group's missions of social and territorial cohesion and inclusion."

Already 2,750 employees and more than 3,000 assignments in 12 regions

SCNF Foundation - Laeticia

Laëtitia, General Delegate to the Foundation

25,000 employees

"The benefits of employee engagement are manifold. It enables employees to find additional meaning in their activity, to retain and attract talent, and to develop new skills."

+1200 employees registered, +3600 hours of engagement and 420 assignments completed since 2021

Suez - Sarah

Sarah, Social Innovation Project Manager

600 employees

"Vendredi, is a team that's always reactive to give advice or make the platform evolve. That's why we plan to extend our actions internationally."

+80 employees committed to Non-profits and +1000 hours dedicated to positive impact

Wemanity - Manaëlle

Manaëlle, CSR Manager

6,600 employees

" Vendredi 's expertise in end-of-career skills sponsorship, which is far from simple to grasp and manage, enables us to offer genuinely positive support to employees."

Senior employees supported in a positive transition to retirement

ADP - Laure

Laure, Corporate Social Responsibility Director

4,000 employees

"Our attractiveness and retention targets are fully met: very regularly, when we are at forums, students come to us spontaneously, attracted by the shared internship."

Twenty interns have already benefited from the experience of a shared internship.

Mazars - Maeva

Maeva, Recruitment Manager

Don't leave home without the resource that will drive you forward!

CSR Barometer - Vendredi

The benchmark study of CSR in France

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CSR Community - Impact at Work

The benchmark community for CSR managers

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CSR experts - Vendredi

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